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Induction Week Timetable 2024

Induction Week Timetable 2024

Induction week begins on the 25th September 2024, and is organised by the JCR and MCR and their freshers’ reps! The week offers lots activities, events and talks to welcome you into both the University and the College and to make you feel at home. The cost of participating is £18, which can be purchased here.

MCR Induction Week Timetable for 2024 displayed below.

Wednesday 25th September

09.00 – 10.00Breakfast (those living in college)Dining Hall
12.00 – 13.00Lunch (those living in college)Dining Hall
13:00-16:00Freps help with move-insMary’s and Brackenbury
17:15 – 19:00Dinner (those living in College)Dining Hall
19.00 – 20.00International rep chatReading Room
20.00 – 22.00Games NightMCR

Thursday 26th September

08.00 – 10.00Breakfast (those living in College)Dining Hall
11:00-12:00College TourFerguson building reception
12.00 – 13.00Lunch (those living in College)Dining Hall
13.00– 16.00Brackenbury Welcome + Gown DropBrackenbury
17:15- 19:00Dinner (those living in College)Dining Hall
19:00-20:00International rep chatReading room
20:00-22:00Wine & cheese night MCR

Friday 27th September

08.00 –10.00Breakfast (those living in College)Dining Hall
11:00-12:00Gown DropReading Room (Mary’s)
12.00 –13.00Lunch (those living in College)Dining Hall
18.30 –21.30Postgraduate Welcome Dinner & College Matriculation (for those new to Durham)Dining Hall
21.30-23.00Karaoke and Conference BarDining Hall (Conference Bar)

Saturday 28th September

08.00 – 10.00Breakfast (those living in College)Dining Hall
8:20ParkrunMeet at Mary’s (or 8:30 at Maiden Castle)
10:00Spoons BrunchWetherspoons
12.00 – 13.00Brunch (those living in College)Dining Hall
17.00 – 18.30Dinner (those living in College)Dining Hall
20:00 – 22:00Pub Quiz NightMCR

Sunday 29th September

08.00 – 10.00Breakfast (those living in College)Dining Hall
09.00 – 16.00Arrival of Home Undergraduate StudentsCollege
12.00- 14.00Brunch (those living in College)Dining Hall
17.00 – 18.00Dinner (those living in College)Kenworthy Hall
20:00-22:00Bowling/Trip to WetherspoonsLane7

Monday 30th September

08.00 – 10.00Breakfast (those living in College)Dining Hall
09.00-12.00Academic Induction (Check with Department)Department
12.00 – 13.00Lunch (those living in College)Dining Hall
13.00 – 17.00Academic Inductions (Check details with Department)Department
18.30 – 19.00Dinner (those living in College)Dining Hall
20:00-22:00Odeon cinema Trip

Tuesday 1st October

08.00 – 10.00Breakfast (those living in College)Dining Hall
09.00 – 12.30Department Inductions (check with department)Departments
12.00 – 13.45Lunch (those living in College)Dining Hall
13.00 – 18.00Department Inductions (check with department)Departments
16:30-17:15Early Dinner due to UG formal 1 (those living in College)Dining Hall
20.00 –22.00SU Postgrad Pub Quiz Student Union Kingsgate Bar
22:00-00:00Live LoungeDining Hall

Wednesday 2nd October

08.00 – 10.00Breakfast (those living in College)Dining Hall
11.00 – 12.00WAM Welfare WednesdayReading Room
12.00 – 13.45Lunch (those living in College)Dining Hall
13.00 – 18.00Freshers fairMaiden Castle
16:30-17:15Early Dinner due to UG formal 2 (those living in College)Dining Hall
20.00 –23.00Durham Mile Meet outside Mary’s

Thursday 3rd October

08.00 – 10.00Breakfast (those living in College)Dining Hall
11:00MCR photoOutside Ferguson
12.00 – 13.45Lunch (for all new postgrads)Dining Hall
14:45-17:00MatriculationMary’s (walk to Cathedral)
17:15-19:00Dinner (those living in College)Dining Hall
22:00-00:00Superhero Bop Dining Hall

Friday 4th October

08.00 – 10.00Breakfast (those living in College)Dining Hall
12.00 – 13.45Lunch (those living in College)Dining Hall
12:00-16:00Picnic and FrisbeeRacecourse (walkdown from Mary’s at 12)
17:15-19:00Dinner (those living in College)Dining Hall
20:00MCR chillMCR

Saturday 5th October

08.00 – 10.00Breakfast (those living in College)Dining Hall
10:00-12:00Mary’s Sports and Societies FairDining Hall
12.00 – 13.45Lunch (those living in College)Dining Hall
17:15-19:00Dinner (those living in College)Dining Hall
22:00-2:00amGlastonMary’sDining Hall

Sunday 6th October

08.00 – 10.00Breakfast (those living in College)Dining Hall
12.00 – 13.45Lunch (those living in College)Dining Hall
14:00-16:00Baking in the MCRMCR
17:15-19:00Dinner (those living in College)Dining Hall
20:00-20:30Practice MCR MeetingMCR
20:30-23:00MCR Movie NightMCR