Things to bring
Things to bring
Things you’ll need to bring for your room at Mary’s:
- Pictures and posters – these will make your room feel much more homely, as the walls can seem a bit bare at first.
- White tack, to stick things up (you can’t use blue tack in college rooms).
- Bed linen – College DOES NOT provide bedding (unless you’ve purchased a bedding pack) and so you’ll need your own sheets, pillows and your own nice duvet and cover.
- Towels
- A bath mat (if you’re lucky enough to end up with an ensuite).
- Bedside lamp
- Alarm clock – at least try and make your 9ams…
- Some mugs and basic cutlery
- An extension adaptor
- Laundry basket
- Coat hangers
- A doorstop – this is a really great way to make friends when you first move in; just prop your door open and people will stop in and say hi.
- Anything else you might want – speakers, cushions, blankets etc. – but please note that the burning of incense and candles in rooms is not allowed (it sets off the fire alarm).