Toastie Bar & Shop
Toastie Bar & Shop
We had the first and original Toastie Bar in Durham, which offers the perfect late night snack from a menu of classic combinations, or you can simply build your own. The Toastie Bar & Shop is located in the Basement, within the Darts Area. Whether you’ve missed dinner, fancy a snack on the way back from the library, after a late night sweet fix, or you need something to soak up those pints of Doom Bar, Mary’s Toastie bar is open 7 days a week to fill the void.
Run by our students and catering Team for our students, the Toastie Bar always proves popular among all students, whether a young fresher or a seasoned Phd Student.
To give you a bit of a flavour –
[metaslider id=”3449″]
Want to know more? Contact our Toastie Bar & Shop Manager, Emily Cliffe ([email protected]) for more details!
“Sometimes you just really need some cheese, or chocolate, between two slices of grilled bread y’know. Both is good!” – A grateful 2nd year